Attempted hijack in Alaska...

Curious request. Beware of passengers that “had asked the pilot to fly the plane earlier during the flight and initially asked to sit in the unoccupied co-pilot seat. Both requests were denied by the pilot.”
Cap'n Jack said:
The "co-pilot" seat is often used for passengers as mentioned by @Zeldman .
One flight in Alaska, and another in Canada, I asked for, and got the co-pilot seat both times. It is easier to take pictures when I can see what is coming, and also have a side window. It really isn't a curious request.
But to “fly the plane” ?
Zeldman said:
Our training to take care of unruly passengers was to take the flight can and beat the holy #%*$ out of the person not behaving...
I guess gone are the days when the ship’s captain carries a firearm to enforce the law…