Bad day in Camarillo/Oxnard


New member
News reports that a RV3 went down near Oxnard Airport, 2 died. Just south of Camarillo near the University a Ultralight went down, 2 survive.
News reports that a RV3 went down near Oxnard Airport, 2 died. Just south of Camarillo near the University a Ultralight went down, 2 survive.
Sorry to read of these accidents. However not sure I follow the casualty count.

Isn't an RV-3 a single seater? And aren't all ultralights by legal definition also single seaters?
Luvrv8 said:
The info I got came from the link below, I also thought a 3 was a solo plane, I am guessing its a 4. I don't know the legal stuff on Ultralights but around Camarillo I see several with 2 people flying around the Ultralight field. Here is a link about the RV.

Here is a link on the Ultralight
Someone on Vans Airforce always seem to have slightly better info when it comes to RV accidents. This post points to a story that names the RV:

A search for "Less Drag Special" yields this info:

Edit: slightly better info on the RV:
Luvrv8 said:
I don't subscribe to the Star so all I can see is the first paragraph, what he linked to was the complete story, I guess I am cheaper then him when it comes to paying for the paper.
What is odd that I was able to read the full story and I don't have a subscription. I assumed it would remain public. When I went back to look to see what you were talking about I see it switched to subscriber-only viewing. Sheesh.