Bad Landing At Redlands


New member

Saw this nice 2000 C172 sitting near the end of the runway on Friday. Asked what happened and was told the student pilot was on a solo cross-country out of Long Beach. Apparently he was at about 3,500 on base leg - TPA is 2,500. He also came in over the fence at about 100 knots. I know that airspeed on final in a 172 should be at 65 or so or a 172 will float all the way down the runway. That's what happened here and he simply ran out of runway. Too bad he didn't go around. Looks like it was a nice airplane but it's totaled now. Ripped the motor mounts out, nose gear, main gear, bent wings, prop strike, etc. CFI maybe has some answering to do? :confused: Too bad for the student. I wonder if he'll hang it up. Hope he had renter's insurance