Base to Final need Help


New member
I am a mature pilot have some 40 hours in a C 172. although I have finally learn't to flare but I have a big issue when turning base to final I want "pull "on the yoke or trim it so I don't feel the pressure on the yoke is that normal. my first instructor told me never do that I might stall the plane although I do keep the speed at 70/80 knots . None of my instuctors seem to give me a satisfactory answer, my lastest instuctor says I seem to have a good approach the only thing he see's is that I seem to have a problem managing power
what do I need to do ?:confused:
wabower said:
Can you elaborate on your sillyass theory as to why a pilot should not use all the tools available to him during this maneuver?
Ever flown gliders? During a landout, what makes you think the altimeter is providing anything useful?
wabower said:
No. Was a question about flying the subject of this thread? Have you ever flown an airplane in a crosswind pattern?
I started my flight training in gliders where emphasis was on judging approaches by angles. Jaybird's post was a reasonable synopsis of the training I received.

But I probably was too terse - you are correct that a pilot should use all the tools at his or her disposal. If it can help a student, use the VSI and altimeter. I think I only use the VSI on downwind and in slowing up abeam the numbers; I don't pay attention to it (or the altimeter) on base and final. That's true for me in gliders and airplanes. But I am not a CFI and don't have a lot of hours, so I should be the first to say that my opinion has no basis in experience or authority.