Blended Gasoline in a Cessna 152


New member
Has anybody demonstrated this is possible? What modifications were needed and do they have a STC? The way things are headed, ethanol-free gas is becoming harder to find. Many Rotax-powered aircraft are running on standard ethanol-blended gasoline without any troubles. What is needed to convert a carbureted Lycoming engine to run on pump gasoline?
docmirror said:
An STC for Ethanol fuel has been issued. It was a long time ago, in a special program, I think at Texas State Technical college? Or some other college in Waco. It was a Cessna, but I don't recall the model or engine right now.

Ethanol is very bad as I think we all agree.
For the record I don't agree. No more than I would agree with the statement "Leaded fuel is very bad as I think we all agree."

<edit: I found it.

100% Ethanol Cessna 152. Plenty of gotchas along the way. AFAIK, it was never offered commercially, but I could be wrong.>
The following links to a PDF copy of the OSTI 677075 document that contains the full paper of the abstract referenced in your first link. According to it the use of pure ethanol in an C-152 appears to have been successful. The document is pretty much self-explanatory so I wont attempt to summarize - interested readers can read it and draw their own conclusions: