Bloody moving TFR Aug 15 - 17 in Midwest


New member
Well, they've published notice that they intend to have a moving TFR for the President's Midwest bus tour in IL, IA, and MN August 15 - 17, 2011.

It seems like they're playing a game of "how many pilots can we jack up with useless restrictions."

Of course, they aren't telling us yet precisely where it will be when, but there will be irregularly shaped TFRs in addition to the typical 10/30.

Don't add to the numbers! Be careful out there.
alaskaflyer said:
The Federal government is not bound by the terms of the MS EULA which demand automatic acceptance.
Cite? I can find nothing to support that surprising assertion. That's basically saying they aren't bound to abide by contracts.

Neither would they be bound by this ridiculous timewaster.
The proposed letter is indeed ridiculous since it isn't a contract. And even if one managed to trick some agency into accepting such an alleged contract (with appropriate consideration provided by the pilot to the government,) no contract involving illegal acts is valid.
JeffDG said:
No competent lawyer will help you. You're attempting to create a "shrinkwrap" contract where someone is bound to the terms (including your over the top cancellation terms) before they are aware of them. The courts have held such contracts are not enforceable as a matter of basic contract law. (I've already provided a citation and ruling from the Circuit Court of Appeals on point above)
You misread ProCD v. Zeidenberg. The lower court had found for the defendant, but the appeals court found for the plaintiff. It clearly states "Shrinkwrap licenses are enforceable unless their terms are objectionable on grounds applicable to contracts in general (for example, if they violate a rule of positive law, or if they are unconscionable). Because no one argues that the terms of the license at issue here are troublesome, we remand with instructions to enter judgment for the plaintiff."

According to Wikipedia, due to other rulings the issue is not clear: