Busting Obama's Airspace Today

frfly172 said:
Sounds like the pilot may have gotten away.
Of course it got away - it was probably a B-52. If the pilot's good, see, I mean if he's reeeally sharp, he can barrel that baby in so low... oh you oughta see it sometime. It's a sight. A big plane like a '52... varrrooom! Its jet exhaust... frying chickens in the barnyard!
Ron Levy said:
Did you read post #1, including the italicized slightly? That's like being slightly pregnant or slightly dead, and suggests someone is trying to trivialize the bust. .
The trivialization appears to have come from one Lt. Cmdr Bill Lewis of NORAD who caused the article writer to use the word "fringe" which is colloquially synonymous with "slightly".
Ron Levy said:
So now you're saying you're misquoting someone who put words in a NORAD spokesman's mouth? :mad2:
Consider only their own description and their actual actions, since that bypasses the whole vocabulary discussion:
A small aircraft “clipped the edge” of the temporary flight restrictions instituted in the skies above Los Angeles during President Barack Obama’s visit Tuesday, NORAD confirmed.
Before the fighter jets reached the small aircraft, it had already departed restricted airspace and was allowed to continue on, he said.

As an aside, the article does reveal an operational security hole that delayed the intercept:
When the violation occurred, there were two F-16s in the vicinity that were in the midst of a mid-air refueling, he said.