C182 750 miles PART 2..


New member
First let me thank you for your discussion... I really read each post and considered them...

Next... Help me make a mock flight plan for a C182... 750 miles...

Our trip : St. Louis to Tampa 1H0 to VDF.. :dunno:

1 stop at about half way..

skyvector show just under 6 hours at 130kts..

Would you figure that to be 7 hours with 1 stop.. Would I be better with 2 stops?
(which really isn't bad considering commercial with TSA & nonsense is about the same; meaning total travel time)

SinkorSwim said:
I have done this... and sadly.. SWA is kicking the C182's butt..

My wife agrees that on the average this trip costs us.. $1200 for SWA STL to Tampa... 4 tickets...

One of the local clubs... has C182 for $60 dry.. then figure 10 gal hour burn... (just for round numbers) at $5.50 a gallon 100L. That is $110 per hour.. x 7 hours = 770 then the round trip is 1540 dollars.. vs SWA 1200

Am I think correct?
I'd say no - compare like to like. The SWA tickets are non-refundable once bought. So compare with price of refundable airline tickets, since that equates better to the flexibility in using a club C182. Or compare with ticket price (and availability) for tickets bought one day ahead of time; or at least the number of days you know ahead of time you are certain you'll be making the trip regardless.