Can passengers drink alcohol?


New member
I was asked by a friend today if passengers could drink alcohol on a GA flight. And while I certainly do not intend to allow it on any flight in which I am PIC, I can't seem to find any information that disallows it.

What are your thoughts?
Jaybird180 said:
Related to this thread of why you don't fly drunken pax
Modest request to you and others: when posting to any thread where the last post is more than a few months old, please consider adding some marker indicating your post is tacked onto an old thread; e.g.:

Notice: This is a necropost to an old thread; the posters of the earlier messages may already be dead and unable to respond in a timely fashion.
Jaybird180 said:
Although I generally agree, what's the value added to this thread?:dunno:
The OP hasn't logged into PoA in over two years.

Your article posting was about people getting stinking drunk before boarding, but the OP was asking about drinking after boarding.

Posts since your necropost were addressed to the OP and not your post.

So your objective would have been better served by starting a new thread.

Please remove your hands from the keyboard where I can see them - you're under arrest for violating section xyzzy of the Internet regulations. You have the right to remain silent; anything you intended to say has already been taken down in evidence against you. (Being a netcop is a thankless task.)