Can someone recommend some good aviation novels?

Preferably WWI, WWII, etc. or true stories? Thank you!
True stories:

Wager with the Wind: The Don Sheldon Story, by James Greiner

Zero 3 Bravo: Solo Across America in a Small Plane, by Mariana Gosnell

Odyssey: A Daring Transatlantic Journey, by Susan Oliver

Weekend Wings, by Frank K. Smith
Pilawt said:
That should be Weekend Pilot, the book that helped set my passion for flying, back in 1963.
Actually Frank wrote books titled "Weekend Pilot" and "Weekend Wings". I have both books. I just picked the first title I recollected. I was only 7 in 1963 and didn't read Smith's books until a few years ago. They are still pleasant reads and definitely good advertising.
Everskyward said:
I read that book not too long ago and thought it was good. I've also recently read "China's Wings" which is mostly about William Langhorne Bond and how he helped start an airline in China before WWII. There's also "Lost in Shangri-La about a C-47 which crashes in New Guinea during WWII.
I put my own review of "China's Wings" in the post that started this thread (the author also commented, though his post was much delayed):