Cessna 150 cost


New member
I've been looking at buying an aircraft lately, and one of the few affordable options that would work for my primary mission would be a Cessna 150.

I've noticed a good range in prices from $10 - 25k. Is it fairly common these days that airworthy examples are available for $10k, or is that more of a sign of serious issues? I figure that I will have to put up with cosmetic issues and older or sometimes INOP avionics at the lower end of the cost spectrum. I just don't want to be buying into serious problems...

Is there anything else out there that would be similar in cost and capability to the C150 (tri gear, 2 seats, etc)? I'm certainly open to suggestions as well!
JHW said:
fair enough, but another way to look at it is which design is being made today ? Piper pacers (in the form of wagabonds) cubs (various clone manufacturers) and champs (scouts) are still in production. There hasn't been a new C-150 made in a long time
Besides the aircraft mentioned, the two seat CH 2000 trainer is also still being built and sold by AMD. Allegedly roughly comparable in performance to a C-152 (even uses the same engine.)
Here's one late model 1997 CH 2000 with IFR panel and an asking price just under $21k:


46" wide cabin sounds more appealing than the C-152 I trained in.