Cheap + STOL + 2 seats ?


New member
Can be exp or cert. Remember, cheap and stol and 2 seats. Operating at 6000 feet with 2600 gravel runway. Lets see what we can do.
Can be exp or cert. Remember, cheap and stol and 2 seats. Operating at 6000 feet with 2600 gravel runway. Lets see what we can do.
A C-152.

Thing is, the book numbers for a C-152 at gross weight at 6000 ft at 40 C with no wind is a ground roll of 1570 ft. A 50% safety margin puts the ground roll at 2355 ft. If you have the proverbial 50 ft obstacle at the end of the runway then you'll only be able to fly out on 0 C days and you'll have no safety margin over book numbers (2450 ft to clear 50 ft obstacle at 0 C.)

Or a C-172 used as a 2-seater:

A C-172M at 2100 lbs (two passengers and some actual baggage):
At 40 C, calm winds, 1465 ft ground roll. 2615 ft to clear the proverbial obstacle at the very end of the runway, so a tad too short if that is the case. Lighten it up to 1900 lbs (less baggage and/or fuel) and you'll clear the 50 ft obstacle in 2045 ft. And/or fly on cooler days or a headwind.

Head/tail winds and pilot consistency (or lack thereof) will affect the amount of runway length needed of course. The gravel, unless it is really loose, should be as good as asphalt or concrete for ground runs.

Long way of saying that I don't think the runway you cite requires a STOL plane - but it is of course nice to have one that takes off as short as possible.
ClimbnSink said:
Weight shift LSA. Two seats, STOL, cheap.
I'd second that. As in, that would be my second choice if I couldn't find a cheap used CH-701. But it is hard to make suggestions without knowing how heavy the 2 people are and what kind of baggage, if any, they want to carry, and other factors that the OP hasn't mentioned (like range desired or intended use; stats on the one airfield aren't enough IMHO.)
Can be exp or cert. Remember, cheap and stol and 2 seats. Operating at 6000 feet with 2600 gravel runway.
Under 20k.
Not considering any kind of open aircraft like weight shift canopy. More like fixed with enclosed cockpit single engine type.
Going to be tough to find many enclosed experimentals for under $20k - even kits with no engines are pushing that number, let alone STOL kits. Older used CH-701s might be found under $20k.

Cessna C-150 or Piper Colt might be your best bets.