Citation V down in Oregon

The timing and altitude of the last contact until the attempted contact with no response seems an awfully lot like hypoxia, doesn’t it?
I had not realized the pilot was 72. Clearly raises the likelihood of some type of medical incapacitation.

He also has a troubled legal history back in the 2000-2006 range. Many criminal charges including illegal pointing of a firearm, criminal trespass. Was evicted. Bankruptcy.

Evidently Dan’s second video covers some of his more recent troubles as well.
schmookeeg said:
I don't think I would read a single one of those and go "huh, clearly likely to smoosh a Citation Jet under dubious circumstances"
I wouldn’t say clearly likely either. But as noted above, taken together they do suggest some problems with emotional and behavioral control serious enough to manifest with criminal convictions.

His civil record included some lawsuits over serious frauds involving an aviation related company.

Dan’s second video lays out of set of recent apparent serious financial schemes defrauding the elderly. If true, these would result in spending the rest of his life in prison.

The slurred speech is consistent with getting yourself drugged up to have the false courage to kill yourself. And this would be a spectacular way to do it. Fly high into the sky and just don’t turn on oxygen so you pass out and then crash with a show.

I view that as an explanation as plausible as the others.