Classic literature


New member
I'm going to suppose that I'm fishing the wrong pond with this one.......BUT, I'll give it a shot anyway. Is anyone here a fan of Classic literatue? I'm looking for recommendations since I'm going to have a little extra time on my hands this Fall. I picked up a few at the used book store today to get me started but I'm looking to avoid the obscure stuff and maybe expose myself to something I've missed over the years. Currently reading Jane Austen and thoroughly enjoying it, which was not my expectation. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Just about anything by Mark Twain. Though if you want just one choice to start, here's a hint:
"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn." -- Ernest Hemmingway.

I just finished reading "Three Men in a Boat" published in 1889 by Jerome K. Jerome. Wry British humor of the day. I read it to satisfy an itch delivered 50 years ago when I read Robert Heinlein's "Have Space Suit, Will Travel" (a classic book of another sort worth reading) that began:
You see, I had this space suit. How it happened was this way:
“Dad,” I said, “I want to go to the Moon.”
“Certainly,” he answered and looked back at his book. It was Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat, which he must know by heart.
Later in Heinlein's story, the father character says:
"Reminds me of this passage I'm reading. They're trying to open a tin of pineapple and Harris has left the can opener back in London. They try several ways." He started to read aloud and I sneaked out-I had heard that passage five hundred times. Well, three hundred.I just had to read the book to find out how they eventually opened the tin of pineapples.

Anyway, there are the classic classics: the Iliad and the Odyssey. No need to read them in the original Greek.

Naturally, as a pilot, some Jules Verne would be appropriate (hard to avoid Hollywood taint when reading his original books) but "Robur the Conqueror" could be added as a topical classic. Don't let it give you any ideas!