Cockpit Controls with Unknown Functions


New member
Just wondering if anyone has any switches or controls in their cockpit and they don't know what they are for.
There is an orange light that says "Press to test" on a C-172 at an FBO that I rent from. The plane came into the possession of the FBO when it agreed to buy it right after the owner suddenly died. The light is above a UBG-16 engine monitor made by E.I. Inc. (Somewhat blurry photo attached.) The light/button and engine monitor may not be associated. When I was getting checked out in that plane I asked the CFI what the light was and he said they hadn't figured what it was for yet. This was over a year ago and I suppose they figured out what it did since then.
Jeff K said:
The UBG-16 has limits you can set (like high CHT) that will trigger an idiot light. It's generally an LED but maybe(?) they wired it to this light?
That seems likely, though I haven't rented that plane since August 2012 and hadn't asked since then.

Strictly speaking it is not a cockpit control so doesn't quite qualify for this thread, but all I have to contribute. I thought about saying there were two pedals on the floor that I didn't know the function of, but some might not get the humor....
Just wondering if anyone has any switches or controls in their cockpit and they don't know what they are for.
dmspilot said:
That looks like a landing gear retracted light from a Cessna RG (at least the 172RG, not sure if the others have the same one).
Could be its origin. It is now in a fixed gear 172. N1227U.
jesse said:
It is pretty useful if your single avionics master switch fails.
Indeed. Having all your avionics go through a single switch creates a single point of failure for your whole panel. You'd want a high quality switch - or at least a parallel switch.
TangoWhiskey said:
I want to install this toggle switch in my panel:

No point spending money on that when you can accomplish the same thing for free by posting to the Spin Zone.

Or any other online forum....