Coming clean on medical. Tell FAA or just apply for a new one?


New member
Yes, yet another ADHD thread. I mistakenly omitted a previous “diagnosis” of ADHD when I initially got my 3rd class medical years ago. Recently when reviewing my records, I found the diagnosis and realized that I screwed up. I’m trying to get this corrected and have stopped flying. Would it be best to call the FAA and tell them or get everything done prior to getting a new medical (cogscreen, records, etc.) and just apply for a new medical?
Guest said:
I’ve thought about this a lot, but after consulting with my AME and AOPA legal.. nobody really knows how that would work in the event of an investigation since BasicMed is still so new. I’m just going to get it cleared up to be safe.
Certainly the conservative approach. Just bear in mind what it will cost you, in terms of time and money.

I assume you will need to prove to the FAA you don’t have ADHD. Likely requiring a neuropsychologist evaluation and a forensic psychiatric evaluation. Each of those will be several thousand $. Then a 6-12 month wait for the evaluation by the FAA aeromedical folks.

I would definitely consult with the expert senior HIMS AMEs on this before taking any further steps with the FAA.