Concerns about flying after friend killed in crash

Dave Arata

New member
I understand many of us in the flying community have lost friends due to accidents and I'm curious how you all process that. I was recently made aware of a fantastic young man, whom I knew well and was the grandson of a good friend, was killed in a crash this past Saturday. On top of that, I was in Coeur d' Alene when the mid-air happened. My wife and I took a flight in that Beaver a few years ago and enjoyed watching it take off at sunset on our way to dinner earlier in the week. Lastly, while in CDA, I found out an acquaintance was killed in a motor glider at my home airport. That's quite a few "close to home" accidents and loss of life in a couple of months. To be honest, it's affected my desire to fly and continue training. What say you?
kmacht said:
Flying has an element of danger and risk no matter how careful you try to be. It’s up to you if it is worth the risk.
And it may be precisely those elements which makes flying small planes enjoyable to many.