Continental Control Area....please explain.


New member
Can someone please explain what the Continental Control Area is? How is it controlled and used? Thanx.
maduro said:
I am looking at the Twin Cities Sectional and near Aberdeen, South Dakota.... I do believe there are some Continental Control Areas. My question is that does Class G air space go up to 14,500 feet in those areas? To enter a Continental Control Area, do you have to get permission like say the controlling Center?
I suspect you are looking at areas where the ceiling of Class G is 14,500 (not CCAs, which is a retired concept/term.) It would be Class E above that to 18,000, with Class A to 60,000, and Class E above that to where ever "outer space" begins as far as the U.S. is concerned.

No permission is generally needed to enter Class G or E (except for areas around towered air fields.)

EDIT: We have some areas like that in Oregon that I've flown through. I noticed the air in higher altitude Class G is cleaner and freer than any other air spaces. I have not spotted any winged unicorns, but I've been told such airspace is where they might be seen.