Correct me If I am wrong.

Alec Stelloh

New member
From what I remember If I want to fly down low over a lake or rive I can do it just as long as there are no people, vehicles, boats, buldings etc. nearby? Im an active youtube user and I see plenty of videos of people flying down low on the water of lakes and rivers. I believe its 500ft from the nears obstacle correct?

From what I remember If I want to fly down low over a lake or rive I can do it just as long as there are no people, vehicles, boats, buldings etc. nearby? Im an active youtube user and I see plenty of videos of people flying down low on the water of lakes and rivers. I believe its 500ft from the nears obstacle correct?

Some of those videos are from ultralights. Ultralights are bound by Part 103, not Part 91, so for them only 103.9(a) and 103.15 are applicable for those kinds of low flying.

Note that the wording in 91.13(a) and 103.9(a) are slightly different - I have no idea what affect the difference may have on interpretation of any alleged infractions.