COVID-19 and medicals

Larry Korona

New member
Well I tested positive! I'm totally PO since I was doing my best to wear a mask, and stay home avoiding others.

My symptoms were mild, never had any fever, breathing issues, or anything else. What prompted me to get tested was the loss of my taste and smell. Now going on three weeks later, I have not yet recovered my taste and smell. Apparently loss of theses senses are very common, with some people not regaining them even months later, particularly older individuals seem to have delayed recovery.

My concern is a long term or permanent loss of smell, how will this affect getting/maintaining a medical?

Can I continue to fly with loss of these senses? Is my medical now voided?
Larry Korona said:
I was inquiring about what to do after a positive test, specifically the impact of not recovering sense of taste and smell, not about the vaccine.
There is nothing in the FAA AME guide about needing to be able to taste or smell ( Check with your AME, in a consult ( if necessary rather than a live exam, but I see nothing to suggest this should prevent issuance.