COVID Picnics - Western Area Suggestions?


New member
Hey POA friends and I have taken to flying our 3 planes to various airports with our spouses to have picnics where we maintain our distance and wear masks. For example, we’ve done KSBA Santa Barbara (the week before the beach closed) and last week KIZA Santa Ynez (which was spectacular). We are looking for other ideas...airports that have a nice place to eat, ideally picnic benches, but at least good places to sit and eat with some good scenery.

We are thinking Kern and Mammoth next, but are running out of ideas.

Anyone have recommendations?

Suggestions appreciated!

(Note: KAVX Avalon is closed...would be a great place).
When I first read the title I thought this was about people flying somewhere to have a picnic and catch Covid-19 from an infected individual :emoji849: