Crosswinds the last 50 feet from landing


New member
Hi all,

We've been having some interesting weather in the mid-atlantic the last few months. Seems like there hasn't been more than one or two lessons where the wind has not been: variable, gusty, and (to some extent) across the runway.

My CFI and I have been doing pattern work for quite a while. I can take off and fly the pattern just fine, including correcting for the wind while on the extended runway centerline, and in the pattern.

Where I seem to lose it EVERY FREAKING TIME, is on very short final, from about 50 feet off the runway until touchdown. Invariably, there is a gust or direction shift, and I need to correct quickly, and I don't do it, and my CFI has to actually land the plane.

What am I missing here? What control inputs are correct? What should I start chanting to myself about 60 seconds before landing? How can I get past this?

Thanks in advance!