Dear PoA Board


New member
Two threads of mine have now been locked. I'll take responsibility for the first (Reverse Highspee). The latest (This Captain is a Jerk) was not, IMO, my fault. I got ambushed by a single poster with an agenda.

Perhaps some guidance could be given to Doug explaining that behaviour is not welcome. His decision to follow my posts and sabotage them with his agenda is paramount to online stalking IMO and I'd like to publicaly ask for your assistance in stopping it.

Thank you,
Two threads of mine have now been locked.
A pointless exercise by the moderators. Nothing stops a person from starting another thread, or taking their animosity to other threads - as evidenced by this very thread. I think next the moderators could try banning posters (or some technical equivalent) - but that is another futile exercise that anyone with the wherewithal could easily circumvent.

DouglasBader said:
You can sit here instead and make post after post disparaging your coworkers, calling people names and inventing fanciful things about flying (of which you generally know nothing),
First you say he is disparaging unnamed coworkers, then you imply his stories are fiction. Anonymous fictional coworkers need no defending.

DouglasBader said:
and then whine and cry because people may respond to your posts.
There is a very important difference between what a poster on this forum has to say about him and what he writes about others in his stories: the objects of his story are anonymous, possibly even fictional as you seem to imply, while he is not entirely anonymous, and definitely not fictional, so there is a distinct difference both morally and legally.
DouglasBader said:
Anonymous, as in "Captain Alverez," EAL "scab?" ("I'm flying with Captain Alverez, a guy a few years from retirement (retired now) and an Eastern Scab. I point that out because,'s relavant to me to point out any scab when I see them.")

Which part of anonymous do you not understand?

I didn't defend Captain Alvarez; I don't know him. I did note, as did multiple other posters, the negative childish tone taken by "captain."
Point taken. My memory of online short stories is abysmal.

I am still confused by your suggestion that the Captain is a phony, so managed to somehow be a phony and yet actually be in the story he claimed to be party to. Since you are a stickler for this sort of thing, you might want to make clear what position you've settled on: the Captain is a phony so the story is fictional, or the Captain is legit and the story is demeaning to its subject.

Myself, I'm very confident that there are people with, ahem, all sorts of oddball personalities that become ATPs, doctors, lawyers, with some making their way all the way to tyrants of whole countries.