

Staff member
Spam Waffles said:
That's the thing, I DID consult with the AME before hand, told him all about my treatment, condition, medication status etc, and asked if the letter from doc was sufficient to meet the "SSRI Decision Path I" thing and he said yes it was fine. So when I went in for my exam and he told me out of nowhere at the very end "oh I think I have to defer it to the FAA" that was a total surprise to me and contrary to what he had told me earlier. I had no way of knowing this was going to be an issue, going by the FAA's guidance webpage and what my AME initially told me.
Always do the consult and do not give them the MID or let the application go live until they tell you they can issue in the office.

See Sometimes if the case is simple enough you can avoid the complete P&P work up. Now you wait to see what they request.