denied medical 32 years ago

Red Eye

New member
In 1987 I applied for my class 3 medical.

Prior to the appointment, I worked my normal shift (9am to 6pm) but then due to my replacement getting sick, I had to fill in on the 2nd shift (6pm to 3Am). Shifts were weird because we had to be there an hour early to catch up on the previous shift status, then we had to stay late to turn our shift over to our relief).

At any rate, I worked almost 20 hours straight. I got home around 4am and fell asleep with my contact lenses in. These were soft lenses, but NOT daily wear lenses. I woke up at noon prior to my 1pm medical exam with my lenses stuck to my eyes. I douched my eyes for about a half hour and was able to peel the lenses off and went to my 1pm medical exam wearing glasses.

None of that matters. I flunked the eye test and was told I could retake the test in a certain period of time. In the meantime, I was transferred to another city and never followed up.

Now, I would like to pursue my license again. Is it hopeless?