Jay Honeck
In another thread, there has been a lively discussion over whether a zoom climb to pattern altitude is as safe (however safe is defined) as the more normal Vy climb out.
Here is the plane:
An RV-8A with a 180 HP Lycoming O-360, and a Hartzell constant speed prop.
Temperature: 91 degrees.
Procedure: Start stopwatch at brake release. Record time as altimeter hits 1000'.
Vy Climb at 100 knots, from brake release to 1000' took 59 seconds.
Zoom Climb. Break ground and accelerate to 120 knots in ground effect, with a +1G pull, took 61 seconds to 1000'.
(I didn't try a 140 knot version of this pull up. That will wait till next time.)
Vx Climb at 75 knots. Within ten seconds, I aborted this departure when the deck angle exceeded 45 degrees up. The feeling of impending doom so close to the ground had Mary muttering sweet nothings to me in the intercom.
So there you have it -- a COMPLETELY unexpected result. A "normal" (in a lower performance plane) Vy departure felt so unsafe that we aborted and dropped the nose to Vx.
A Vx departure would be quicker over an obstacle, and may be as fast to 1000', but the discomfort and lack of forward visibility made this option too unsafe for our tastes. YMMV.
Note: Original post edited to correct Vx versus Vy error.
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Here is the plane:
An RV-8A with a 180 HP Lycoming O-360, and a Hartzell constant speed prop.
Temperature: 91 degrees.
Procedure: Start stopwatch at brake release. Record time as altimeter hits 1000'.
Vy Climb at 100 knots, from brake release to 1000' took 59 seconds.
Zoom Climb. Break ground and accelerate to 120 knots in ground effect, with a +1G pull, took 61 seconds to 1000'.
(I didn't try a 140 knot version of this pull up. That will wait till next time.)
Vx Climb at 75 knots. Within ten seconds, I aborted this departure when the deck angle exceeded 45 degrees up. The feeling of impending doom so close to the ground had Mary muttering sweet nothings to me in the intercom.
So there you have it -- a COMPLETELY unexpected result. A "normal" (in a lower performance plane) Vy departure felt so unsafe that we aborted and dropped the nose to Vx.
A Vx departure would be quicker over an obstacle, and may be as fast to 1000', but the discomfort and lack of forward visibility made this option too unsafe for our tastes. YMMV.
Note: Original post edited to correct Vx versus Vy error.
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