Disappearing Weight?


New member
I was wondering if, somehow, just in theory, if I am flying a 737 and my 15,000lbs of pax all jump in the air at the same time, don't I lose my payload and 15000lbs momentarily? That split second loses 15000lbs right? They aren't supported by the aircraft, they are up in the air within the aircraft. Now in a 172...same thing but less CG range to mess with. Just wondering. This is also assuming that I am level at say 4000ft msl/4000agl on a standard day and at a 1G state.

I get that when they all land there will be one heck of an issue but I'm talking about while they are suspended in the air. That brief second= lighter aircraft correct?
ajstoner21 said:
What is the point of this question?
To resolve what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? Or is that covered in an FAA Advisory Circular?
mattaxelrod said:
This is a classic word problem. A pilot is hauling a crate of birds and realizes he's over the weight limit. So he comes up with a plan to get all the birds flying in the crate at the same time.

It doesn't work, but it's a fun problem.
Jumping passengers and flying birds are distinctly different physics problems, particularly when the question about the jumping passengers asks what weight (presumably) the wings are supporting during the time period the passengers are in free-fall.