Do you fly first class?


New member
when you must resort to the airlines, do you pay the extra for comfort and peace and quiet ? Or do you book main cabin and hope you can upgrade at the gate?
Recently booked a round trip flight for two from Seattle to Edinburgh, Scotland. The difference between first class and coach was about as much as we spent on a master bathroom remodel. True, we didn't have to decide on tile color (which would have made buying a first class ticket slightly less arduous,) but while your poll choices are amusing, we aren't as loose with our money as Donald Trump.
Z06_Mir said:
I can say with certainty that booking Delta One on our way home from Europe made an amazing vacation that much better without being jammed into the masses for eight hours. I personally don't travel unless I can do it right and enjoy the experience.
We'll be flying British Airways via Heathrow. 9:15 to London, then another 1:20 scheduled to Scotland. This will be our second trip to the UK. We survived the first time in the cattle section there and back, so I think we should survive again. I think.