Don't be this guy...


New member
Sitting in the airport lounge with a student who just got back from his first solo. He is still higher than a kite with excitment and we are discussing his three trips around the patch.

Suddenly a Cardinal pulls up and in rushes a crotchety old bastard hollaring something about "Where is the bathroom!! I almost didn't make it here!!"


Back to what we were doing. As I was filling out his log for the dual flight we did right before his solo, COB comes stumbling out of the bathroom and with a sneer on his face looks at me and says, "Are you really filling out a logbook? I haven't logged a flight in years! What...? Are you trying to get a bunch of licenses to become an airline pilot or something?"

With as nice a tone as I could manage I quietly explained to COB that I was filling out my student's logbook and besides, a logbook was not just a list of flights taken, it is an autobiographical record of places visited, experiences lived, and trials overcome. (Trying to keep it light and deflect some of COB's acid from getting on my student)

He then (continuing to interrupt the conversation we already had going) started to berate my student for "taking so damn long" to get his license and went on to tell us about how he got his license "only 30 days after taking my first flight".

Please, if you are a COB, keep your crap at your own home drome. I am sure they love you, and your attitude, there.
I am sorry to say that the fraction of jerks in flying seems to be higher than in rock climbing or mountaineering, two other avocations I pursued seriously.
Tantalum said:
@PeterNSteinmetz wanted to clarify what I meant here..
I understand and agree. I do think I meet more unpleasant pilots than I did rock climbers or mountaineers. Also I think I only met them on the east coast. It was a rather rare occurrence actually. Might have to do with the factor suggested by @schmookeeg ;-)