Don't land at Burke!


New member
Yesterday I took our flight school's Piper Seminole up to Cleveland's Burke Lakefront Airport. We wanted to leave the plane there and grab dinner, but storms started rolling for the 2 minutes we were inside Landmark Aviation to check radar on our phones, they charged us 70 FREAKIN DOLLARS! :mad: When we asked them if it was so expensive because we were a multi, they said they charge the same flat rate every time...

I mean, I could understand if we were there for hours and we used their facilities and things like that, but seventy dollars to pretty much land, show up and PAY THE FEE, and then leave... ridiculous, :mad2:

for further use of that airport, just use the terminal building under the big number 1...
steingar said:
Last time I landed at Burke (and the time before that and before that...) the city charged me five bucks for the privilege. You should call the FBO manager and vent your displeasure. I hate FBOs that carry out anal rape because you used the john.
He could also tell them that he posted his experience to PoA which has over 11,000 members and read by probably another 30,000 or more non-members.