Download data of Skyguard?


New member
Hi guys,

I have bought a 978mhz UAT/1090ES ADS-B Weather/Traffic Dual-Band Receiver. However, I didn't notice that there is no USB output.:mad2: Is there any possibility to download processed ACSII data into PC? or save data in Android phone first, then download data from Android phone?

Thanks for the help!
I was considering asking Skyguard/Don if he is willing to publish or make available on some reasonable terms the format and protocol of the application data that is being used. That way I could write my own client programs that access his device. I just recently bought one but haven't had much opportunity to play around with it.

His device appears to act as WiFi access point with a DHCP server and probably has a TCP/IP server program (although UDP is possible - haven't had a chance to look at a packet trace) that handles client requests from tablets or other WiFi devices.