End of a Saga...


New member
I've previously told the story here of my 50-something student who was denied a medical due to a antidepressant prescription which was prescribed solely to alleviate some physical symptoms related to menopause, nothing related to depression. She went off those immediately and reapplied after the required period with a letter from her Doc stating why they were prescribed and that they were no longer needed.

But in responding to that issue he sent her whole medical file to OKC. That opened a medical fishing expedition that was breathtaking in scope.

A note about a heart murmur at birth triggered a demand for a full cardio monitoring process and stress test. She passed with flying colors....she's in better shape than a lot of 30-somethings.

Another note in her records mentioned one brother and her mother suffered from migraines. She's only had two headaches that she can recall, but they demanded proof that she didn't suffer from migraines.

She'd also been prescribed some eye drops for dryness in one eye due to wearing contacts for four decades.

After waiting almost two months since the last submission of paperwork, and supposedly continual monitoring by AOPA's service, out of frustration she finally wrote her Senator's office and asked for help.

Magically, one week later her medical arrived....almost a year to the day since this saga began.

Interestingly, the Special Issuance is based on the migraines she's never had and she will need a note from a Doc every year saying she still has never suffered from migraines. :rolleyes2: And a note saying her eye dryness is still not an issue.

She had halted flight training after the third round of the fishing expedition. Today, we flew for the first time in three months and I was ready to solo her after half a dozen perfect touch and goes. The runway was a bit slick so she opted to postpone her solo for better runway conditions. Maybe tomorrow....maybe Tuesday. We'll see.

I'm glad this is behind her.

A question for Dr. Bruce: What's required to ultimately knock out the SI? Is that possible after a period of compliance demonstrating no issues?
LDJones said:
Yep....that was the fiasco. It was actually the partner of her regular doc that screwed up and sent everything instead of just what was requested. Her regular doc felt pretty bad about that screw up.

I'm curious how she might overcome the SI long term. I've got a good advocate AME she'll be going to next time.
Check here for the AME Guide for migraines and similar:


If I understand the worksheet that page links to, the AASI Protocol, and the medical history you mentioned earlier, the AME should be able to issue her future medicals without having to submit anything to the FAA.