Establishing salary


New member
So I am going on interviews frequently which is a good feeling.

When we were young and entering the work world we (I anyway) were taught to never bring up money and to wait for the interviewer to bring it up.

I don't like wasting time so when I get a call and hear
"We have a position that looks like a good fit"
My first question is: "What is the rate?"

First, do you do that? I assume most people probably do because it saves everyone time. :dunno:

I had 2 interesting things happen to me this week.
Someone contacted me about a job. I asked the rate and they said "That would be a great thing for us to discuss in person" So I just said "No thank you"

I get a follow up email saying "Do you have any friends that would be interested in this job with a fortune 500 company that was voted one of the best companies to work for?" I almost emailed her back saying they probably would be if they had some idea about the pay range, but I clicked delete instead of send.

The other thing is I had some companies doing phone screens and I left my notebook at the office. It had notes with regard to whom I had spoken and details.

Turns out I go to an interview this evening and the guy goes "Oh I see we haven't discussed salary." I panicked. I was afraid I was going to have spent the last hour talking to these people and it was going to be peanuts and we would all feel like our time is wasted.

He asks what I am seeking. I have no idea how to answer this question (I have been below market for about 5 years so not sure where to place myself this go round). I kinda threw out what I want and watched his face for a reaction. He just said "that's reasonable". The interview carried on quite a bit longer which I also think is a good sign.

How do others handle this situation? I am a huge proponent of not wasting other peoples time (except with lengthy posts on POA) so I feel pay should be established first because it is the quickest filter for both parties. The majority of job postings do not include even a range.

I wish this part of job hunting was easier.
It is like browsing plane ads. Put the price in the description.