Every fly with flaps down?


New member
I have to confess I did this yesterday from my home airport, all the way to my destination, about 50 miles away.../me hits self in head. The only "excuse" I have is that I was chit-chatting with the pilot in the passenger seat the whole time, and it's pretty rare for me to fly with another pilot so I guess I got off my routine. Also, normal procedure in the Sierra is for one notch of flaps on takeoff, which I typically do, it's just that I also typically put the flaps in after takeoff :redface:
I don't care for electric flaps - somehow during a recent long cross-country flight I must have lightly bumped the flap switch in the C-152 I was flying, which put in a few degrees of flap. Probably had it down for 5 or 10 minutes before I noticed it. Was a WTF moment. No detent between 0 and 10 degrees seems to make for an easy inadvertent deployment (at least in my one incident.)

I suspect the power cables I decided to run to the GPS and Zaon on top of the instrument panel were a contributing factor. Difficult to find a way to route cables there without interfering with some instrument or control. And both devices need a good view of the sky, so that is the only place for them. I prefer providing them aircraft power over using their batteries if I can arrange it.