FAA apologizes for delay on medical petition.


New member
I am this much closer to being able to own a Cessna 150/152, or am I? Will this medical change only apply for existing Pilots or will it enable those of us avoiding medical "red tape" to be licensed?
Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe said:
As you point out, the door has been open for a long time for gliders, hot air baloons, and LSAs.

There is no data that supports the wish that there will be death raining down from the sky.
ClimbnSink said:
I agree that there won't be any noticeable change in carnage. Also think it sad that all pilots aren't for getting rid of medicals.
Tsk. Gentleman, please drink your Kool-Aid.

Oh - and now that they've apologized they can keep delaying a decision while appearing to be taking action.