FAA is starting to get the ball rolling on the Drivers License Medical


New member


There is finally movement in the FAA to start a rulemaking process on replacing the 3rd class medical with a drivers license medical for certain private pilots. Hopefully student pilots and sport pilots wishing to upgrade to private pilot would be covered in this new proposed rulemaking.

Let's hope the FAA is in it for real this time and not delay this any further!
N918KT said:
What a self-serving tool. The danger he threatens of is simultaneously alarmist and necessarily vague. Specific counter examples of decades of glider, balloon, and ultralight pilots and several years of sport pilots exist to show that Class 3 yields no safety gains worthy of even modest costs to maintain. The FAA's own statistics claim only 0.1% of medicals are denied (http://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/2013/media/MedicalInfoGraphic.pdf)
Ron Levy said:
At the time I said it, others had quoted it so the false accusation was still there. Those other posts have since been edited. Therefore, I've removed my posts. I hope you and Jim will return the courtesy.
ClimbnSink said:
Oh snap. It appears some AMEs are not benevolent gods. I am sickened and crushed.:rolleyes2:
In retrospect it would appear that Jay Honeck may have been more accurate in his assessment of the motivations of AMEs than Dr. Chien was of his fellow practitioners.

I thought Jay was out of line and a bit absurd since all he had was one bad experience. With respect to generalization of other AMEs other than Dr. Chien it appears to confirm the existence of a problem. Presumably Class 1 and 2 exams aren't enough business for their taste.
mnewb1 said:
let me re-iterate I LOSE money doing aeromedical exams.....so that makes me ?greedy? :rolleyes2: :mad2:
I didn't say anything about greed. Could be a case where the AME group's motivation is due to paternalism, the simple desire for control over the lives of otherw, or a genuine fear that is unsupported by any evidence.

I also don't know why you would charge so little as to lose money. If your amortized cost is $200 per exam then you should charge that. (I presume you really are losing money, and this is not just a case where you are making less than you would on other services.) Generosity is decent, and I've seen your posts in the past so I know you are not motivated by greed. Perhaps you should adjust your pricing accordingly and, assuming you agree with proposals to replace Class 3 medicals with something simpler, send letters of support as an AME in support of replacing the Class 3. Repudiation of that group of AMEs' position by other AMEs would be helpful.