Facebook rant


New member
I know we've discussed the "joys" of Facebook

I like it for the most part. Catching up with my sister and nephew happening several states away, knowing the horrors of my friends, joys of my friends, some local ish news (United flight from Mexico had to land in Toledo due to storms and low fuel... Funny part is the crew timed out so they had to get another crew to fly the people to Cleveland - 2 hours away by car) I belong to some fun groups too.

My rant? Parents asking advice. Seriously?

Friend posted inquiring if the kids should get hiking shoes since they're going to national parks and well hiking. Ok depends on so much. Too vague. Gaaaaaaaah
The main reason I try and avoid FB now is that Zuckerberg is advocating for government regulation and censorship of political expression on social media. How convenient now that his company is the big player.

Use the alternatives - Minds, MeWe, Gab.