Failed Color Vision test before CPL


New member
Hey guys, this is my 1st post here and I’m really just looking for some input here.

I’m 19 with a PPL and currently enrolled in a part 141 program to obtain my IR and CPL in Daytona Beach FL. I hold a class 3 medical, and went to up it to a 1st class today as I should be starting my commercial within the next 2 months and just wanted piece of mind that I can get it........ well I couldn’t! I was told I could get it with a nighttime restriction or just keep my class 3 which I quickly realized was BS after digging into the FAR when I got home. So that sucks but it’s beside the point. So I currently have no medical but my biggest worry is taking this OVCT test as well as the MFT with an examiner. It’s just insane to think that if I fail it my dreams are crushed as I’ll never get the job I want with a nighttime restriction. Has anyone had experience with this recently? I’ve read in other places but couldn’t find anything too recent, but sorry if it’s already covered. I’m just going crazy here to think it all might go down the drain as there’s no 2nd chance. Sorry if I sound like a little girl I’m just honestly terrified right now haha.

Also feel that I should add that I never had any issue whatsoever flying at night with 20hrs of my 115 being night time. It was just those stupid cards with the colored dots I couldn’t read. Thanks for any input
Kalwasinski892 said:
I believe I filled my own out while doing MedXPress right? But my medical record is pretty clean minus 2 surgeries I was honest about. Why would that matter in this case exactly?
Because if you filled out the MedExpress and provided the MID to the AME and it was entered by them, then your application has gone live per the FAA and if you don’t pass some type of color vision test and are denied, then you will not be able to even fly gliders or light sport aircraft.

Though this distinction doesn’t matter for getting a 2nd or 1st class and being employed as a pilot. The link explains more.

But you have done the important thing and contacted Dr. Chien.