Fallout from MH 370


New member
Things relating to safety in the airlines only seem to change after there is mass carnage and death. Guess that's how the free market works. Anyhow, I have a feeling that there will be mandated changes to international and national airline ops coming as a result of flight MH 370.

I heard on the news that there are already people talking about mandatory satellite data streaming for all airliners that include data like, speed, altitude, location and engine health. I think this is a great idea. I have to say I am embarrased by the aviation and airline community by this tragedy. People routinely track cargo in trains and trucks by satellite. PLBs that work all over the planet are available in sporting goods stores at a reasonable price. Hell, I can find a lost cell phone with an ap and another cell phone.

But an airliner filled with paying customers? Who the hell knows where that could be? This is the 21st century. The fact that this airliner is still completely missing is sad and unacceptable.

In addition to the satellite data stream, I would also propose mandatory 406 ELTs that have an activation switch in the cockpit, just like my plane has. Also ELTs that break off, activate automatically and float when they hit water. This is not complex science. A great challenge for aerospace engineering grad students.

I'm sure these changes will come to the airline industry and it's about time.
There seems to be a lack of perspective. Consider:

MH 370 carried 239 people. It was under radar surveillance. It was lack of a proper response that failed those on board, not the lack of some automated system that would, in most cases, merely aid in prompt recovery of debris and remains.

Air France 447 carried 228 people. It was transmitting data via satellite that provided information on possible cause - yet it still took a couple years for the flight recorder to be found.

There just aren't that many airplanes getting lost. Tracking would in most cases not directly save any lives - just help in maybe saving future lives.

In terms of number of deaths, the world is full of tragedies and outrages. For example:
A few days ago a court in Egypt, after just two sessions, sentenced 529 people to death. The crime? The death of a single policeman. More people were sentenced to death than were on both those planes.