Farewell Spin Zone...


New member
Why can't everyone just get along? I mean we are all here for the same reason, because we love to fly! We should bond and stick together, not try to boost our own ego by belittling someone else.
PrincessPilotNJ said:
Why did the conversation take a turn about racial slurs?
If a post seems to be inappropriate enough that it bothers you and seems to violate one of the many PoA rules, you can click on the
icon next to the post to report it to the moderators. Keep in mind that sometimes the post is up long enough that if it has a lingering effect even if later removed.

I don't recall if I've ever reported any posts, but I've come to the conclusion that it is always better to allow such posts to remain in the light of day so they can serve as warnings as to the poster's character.