FB **** Show!


New member
I have been off of all social media for over a year...it was just becoming a **** show I didn't want to participate in, nor did i want to digitize my life memories for some data farm to use at their discretion. I re-joined FB this weekend to look at an aviation event that I worked at. I knew the local pilots would get alot of cool videos and pictures, and my working position was a couple thousand feet down the runway from the action, so I missed all the good stuff. Thought to myself..."myself, it will be okay for a couple days so you can see the airplanes." 48 hours is all I could stand.

What a freaking CF, **** Show, Crazy Town, imaginary BS world! I cannot believe people actually want to be apart of the crap that is spewed. I don't care what side of the voting booth, batters box, or crayon box you come from...no one should talk to, or be talked to, the way these folks are doing! This is not the same country I swore to defend, it is not what America stands for, and it is not the new F'n norm! God save our souls. Rant over...
I stopped using FB in any serious way when Zuckerberg started calling for the government to regulate social media. Talk about classic behavior of the dominant player in a market trying to lock out competition.

Just use MeWe, PoA, and the local Nextdoor group nowadays.
TCABM said:
OP uses social media to rant about social media. 8/10, would read again for the irony.
There is a fair amount of variability depending on platform.

Platforms with serious moderation, like PoA, can be more useful. On completely uncensored, like MeWe, one has to be willing to hit the block button immoderately at signs of trouble.