First time at a grass strip


New member
Guys I have a question, I want to plan a trip to a hotel that has its own grass strip, I've been there before by car and the strip is in really good order, grass is kept cut low, it's a hard field and used daily.
However during my flight training although we practiced soft field take off and landings we never actually did any on a grass strip. So in 120hrs of flying I've not yet landed on grass, do I employ the services of a CFI and go do some grass strip work first or am I being too cautious ?
Xscaliber said:
Chalet Suzanne (X25) Central Florida
Should be no problem for typical GA plane; but check you PoH performance charts and take into account the effect when taking off on grass. Can't hurt to practice your short field takeoffs. If you aren't off the runway by 70% down it (make a note where that would be) then abort the takeoff.

Also be mindful of speed control during landing (I do this by insuring I've trimmed to desired speed and then I avoid pushing or pulling on the yoke while on final - just pressures on aileron, rudder, and throttle.)

If you search Youtube for keywords "Chalet Suzanne X25" you'll find some postings of landings and takeoffs so you can get an idea of what to expect; e.g.:
