Flight following questions


New member
1. When being advised to change frequency, usually it is to contact a new controller on the different frequency, but occasionally I've noticed that one controller may handle multiple center frequencies. When getting "Bugsmasher 123AB change to my frequency 123.45" is it appropriate to acknowledge and just switch, or should I acknowledge and contact on the new frequency?

2. Upon initial request for FF, I usually will say "Bigcity Approach, Bugsmasher 123AB, request." Is getting everything out at once preferable? ("Bigcity Approach, Bugsmasher 123AB 7 west of Smalltown, 6500, flight following podunk muni")

3. For flight planning purposes, is there any sure way to figure out what altitude would keep one within radar contact? For example, even though the published MEA for V4 between TXC and GLD is 7000, center has told me a few times they will be unable to keep radar contact below 10000. I'm sure there are other examples of that as well.
danhagan said:
Had read on AVweb and confirmed with ABQ CTR that they preferred it (the "request" part) since they cover most of the state (large sectors). If you call up with call sign and omit request, they (ABQ CTR) indicated they would initially be looking for AC already setup on scope for IFR or VFR FF. According to them, it was easier ("request") and if busy they could ignore you for a few seconds and get back to you rather than just drop or drop ignore with the "unable FF".
Where I fly, one contacts "Cascade Approach" which is a TRACON that handles both Eugene and Medford Oregon - and the website for the local NATCA union actually has this as their recommendation, which I assume also applies to FF requests:On initial call include: Type aircraft, full callsign, approximate location, altitude, and ATIS code. Why? The FAA requires us to get all of this information from you. If you make it a habit to provide it on initial contact we avoid tying up the frequency while we ask you for this information. This allows us to provide better service to you. Examples: "Cascade Approach, Cessna 94299 one-five north at four thousand, landing with Lima.", "Cascade Approach, Arrow 377LC over Drain at three thousand five hundred, inbound with Zulu."
http://eug.natca.net/fly eug.htm
http://eug.natca.net/fly mfr.htm

But during training flights into EUG my CFI had me simply initiate contact with "with request," followed by a short information exchange dialog providing details and FF request. I've also done it the way the AIM and the above paragraph suggests. When the controller does catch it all on first call up it does marginally expedite things, but on occasion I have had to repeat it all.