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Does any one have any experience with Foreflight? I was wondering how it compares to Anywhere Map or Wing X. It looks to be a similiar application.
Dean V said:
I have the Foreflight and Sky Charts Pro on Ipad.

If you want inexpensive, super easy to use, super big zoom, and basic charts, buy Sky Charts Pro.

If you want lots of features, more complication key board entry, and better support, buy Foreflight.
I have WingX and Sky Charts Pro on an iPad 2. If WingX had track up I would not have purchased SkyCharts Pro (which does have track up,) even though the latter is quite cheap and simple.

There are just two features that have been on all my hand-held GPS units since the dawn of GPS time that iPad 2 moving-map app developers seem to have a collective blind spot for:

(1) Track up.
(2) Bread crumb recording. Specifically the ability to record X,Y,Z,T of your motion at periodic time or distance intervals. How hard is that to do anyway!? I know that isn't on WingX (or Navigon, which I use for ground based GPS mapping.)

Again, Sky Charts Pro has a kind-of bread crumb recording, but only as periodic emails(!)

The sheer novelty of having moving-map anything working must have these iPad developers in a hypnotic trance, unable to move on to GPS features that have been around for years.

Sky Pro is a nice inexpensive replacement of paper charts. You really can't map out a series of waypoints (so far as I can tell) just a simple "direct to" line to the next way point. Adequate for simple VFR flights.

If Foreflight (or any other moving-map iPad app) could address the two issues I would buy it.
flyingcheesehead said:
I still think that track up on a chart on an electronic device would be really weird.
I invested $20 in SkyCharts Pro which does track-up on scanned sectionals. It isn't that weird. At least not to me. A simple press of a pseudo button toggles to north-up for reading map labels.