Getting beat up through central Oregon

Old Geek

New member
I flew from the Columbia river to Sacramento on Monday. The ***-whipping started around Redmond and continued all the way to Lake Shasta with a brief respite over Klamath Lake. First time I ever rode a 1000 f/m thermal without a glider. Any preferred altitude or season to minimize the pain?
MAKG1 said:
Maybe a route a bit further west (Willamette Valley)? Upwind mountains can really suck.
Good advice, based on my own experience. A few years ago I took glider training lessons every Saturday throughout the summer in the Willamette valley just north of Eugene. The vast majority were sled rides with hardly a thermal to be found. :( So I'd have to say that once above the typical inversion, going down the valley away from the hills should present a smoother ride on a typical summer day there than the desert on the other side of the Cascades.