GHOSTS in My Photo


New member
Very strange. The aerial shot is of Rockland, Maine harbor area, just barely away from Samoset Resort complex.l The construction company is Prock Marine Company, Contractors. At roughly 80 mph, shooting the area AND staying clear of KRKD approach patterns, there wasn't much time to analyze the surface area. I already knew what was there.
BUT: Look at the outside "island" with the two barges, etc. That section is a duplicate of the shore-bound barges. HOW DID THAT OCCUR? I only noticed the phenomena when I downloaded the shoot and becan post processing. Weird!!!
Sorry about the size; suggest Right Click and "Open Link in New Window."

Lawreston said:
If you're referring to Vinalhaven or North Haven, or even Criehaven, flew over/around all three during the shoot, but this set was definitely Rockland, barely across the bay from Knox County Regional Airport, slightly to the right of this shot. You can see Prock Marine's barge/cranes sticking up in the distance.

Sorry - it was my poor attempt at humor. Haven Maine is a fictional town of the SyFy channel TV Series "Haven" where lots of supernatural things happen.