Ginger or MaryAnn? Ariel or Amelia?


New member
In keeping with the age-old debate of Ginger or MaryAnn let's make this the aviation equivalent.

Ariel or Amelia Rose?

Let's try to keep it aviation-specific as much as possible? Avoid the tedious and overused "well, I wouldn't kick her out of bed" context.
denverpilot said:
The proliferation of "Daily Cialis" commercials on the AM radio and CNBC lately is just wrong somehow.

You're listening to Market reports in your car and some d-bag comes on telling you how he's "always ready to go when the time is right".

Great. Good for you. Keep it to yourself. Sheesh.

Lately the XM radio is innundated with commercials too. Really? Thanks. Always looking for that kind of info while driving.
That reminds me - I enjoyed how Mike, Servo, and Crow react in this MST3K riff:

In keeping with the age-old debate of Ginger or MaryAnn let's make this the aviation equivalent.

Ariel or Amelia Rose?

Let's try to keep it aviation-specific as much as possible? Avoid the tedious and overused "well, I wouldn't kick her out of bed" context.
Susan Oliver:


Captain Pike made a big mistake. ;)

