Glider Add-On


New member
I'm looking at getting my glider add-on and I have a quick question. I'm a private pilot with about 500 hrs PIC all in SEL. I'm wanting to get my commercial glider certificate, and I was just curious if I need to get my private add-on first or if I can go straight to the commercial. The FARs says we can be eligible for the commercial certificate if we have 200 hours in a heavier-than-air aircraft, 20 flights PIC in a glider, 5 solo flights, and 3 hours or 10 flights dual in a glider.
brcase said:
Not really answering your question, Hopefully someone can recommend a good one. It has been a while but I have found the resources for the commercial glider written to be a bit limited and/or of low quality compared to the ASEL commercial written resources. Makes sense as I am sure there are a lot less Glider commercial written tests administered.
I have generally used Dauntless. Their private pilot has the question deck for glider I believe.