Glider pilots

VA Aviator

New member
Signed up here hoping I would find someone in the know... glider guys don't seem to have much of a web presence. No worries, I should be able to contribute to the powered part of the forum....

Anyway... I've not flown in over five years and I'm considering giving it another shot. For a variety of reasons, I've taken an interest in gliders.

Any glider pilots made the transition from powered to unpowered flight? If so, I'm curious about what the training involves. As an example -

In primary airplane training, you spend many hours banging out landing after landing. What about gliders? Do you do tow after tow in one day?

The natural progression for a prospective airplane pilot starts with basic maneuvers, then landings, then a little of the above three, solo, then things like night and controlled airports, cross country, solo cross country, more landings, checkride. What's it like for a glider student?

This is the sort of stuff I'm wondering about.
