I took (and passed) my instrument checkride just over one month ago with a DPE. Very pleasant experience, all things considered. He was very professional, knowledgeable, and certainly a pleasant person. After the checkride he told me I may get a call from the FSDO who would ask questions about the checkride and how he conducted himself. I really didn't give it another thought until today when the phone rang. "Hi, this is ............, your friendly FSDO and I'm hoping you can meet me at the airport on Wednesday at 9:00AM to discuss your experience with your DPE during your recent checkride."
He assured me the questions would only pertain to the checkride and how it was conducted. I agreed and it was a very pleasant, albeit short, conversation.
Anyone here had a similar experience?
He assured me the questions would only pertain to the checkride and how it was conducted. I agreed and it was a very pleasant, albeit short, conversation.
Anyone here had a similar experience?